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Genealogy Browser

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Invites Browser
In the Invites Browser you can see who invited who. Users are color coded based ont their Membership Status:


  • Red = Shoppers
  • Yellow = Affiliates
  • Green = Business Builders
  • Black = Inactive users
  • Grey = Cancelled users


On each ‘card’ you will see two numbers. How many invites they have, and how many are Business Builders.

Those with most Business Builders are listed first.

The Invites Browser is the base for which you earn Owner Bonus, Owner Maker Bonus & Fast Track Bonus.


  • Level 1 – Shows all the people you have personally invited, that entered StoplightGo using your invite code.
  • Level 2 – Shows everyone invited by the selected person in Lane 1, and so on.


Click on any name in the browser to expand and view their invites. If they don’t have any invites (0), they cant be ‘clicked on’.


Important note!
For Legal/Compliance, Confidentiality as well as Privacy reasons, we do not show Personal Information of any Customers that were Not Personally Invited by You.

Invite Code

Your invite code link:

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